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Here you can find links to most of our academic papers, published in peer review journals. Please click on the image or link to go to the paper / abstract online. Some academic journals allow folk to freely download the whole paper but most require a membership or fee. If you'd like to read one of our papers but don't have access to the journal, please send us an email as we may be able to help share this with you.

Image by whoislimos

C19 Mental Health

In preparation

What is the impact of social distancing on GBM’s mental and wider health and how does psychological resilience mediate this impact?

Frankis, Strongylou & Flowers

In preparation


Image by Chinh Le Duc


29 March 2018

Low levels of chemsex among men who have sex with men, but high levels of risk among men who engage in chemsex: analysis of a cross-sectional online survey across four countries.

Frankis, Flowers, McDaid & Bourne

Sexual Health

Image by bruce mars


18 November 2019

 Informing theoretical development of salutogenic, asset-based health improvement to reduce syndemics among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men: Empirical evidence from secondary analysis of multi-national, online cross-sectional surveys 

McDaid, Flowers, Ferlatte, McAloney-Kocaman, Gilbert & Frankis

Social Science & Medicine Population Health

Couple Hugging


18 May 2019

Age-related factors influence HIV testing within subpopulations: a cross-sectional survey of MSM within the Celtic nations

Dalrymple, McAloney-Kocaman, Flowers, McDaid and Frankis.

BMJ Sex Transm Infect

Chinese Medicine

PrEP Acceptability

19 April 2016

Who Will Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Why?: Understanding PrEP Awareness and Acceptability amongst Men Who Have Sex with Men in the UK – A Mixed Methods Study

Frankis, Young, Flowers & McDaid


Image by National Cancer Institute

HIV Testing


Frequency of HIV testing among gay and bisexual men in the UK: implications for HIV prevention

McDaid, Aghaizu, Frankis, Riddell, Nardone, Johnson, Hart and Flowers

HIV Medicine

Prescription Drugs

PrEP Preparedness

22 January 2016

Towards preparedness for PrEP: PrEP awareness and acceptability among MSM at high risk of HIV transmission who use sociosexual media in four Celtic nations: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

and The Republic of Ireland: an online survey

Frankis, Young, Lorimer, Davis and Flowers

BMJ Sex Transm Infect

Businessman on Mobile Phone

Safety and Hook Ups


Location, safety and (non) strangers in gay men’s narratives on ‘hook-up’ apps

Davis, Flowers, Lorimer, Oakland & Frankis


Gay Couple



Young men who have sex with men’s use of social and sexual media and sex-risk associations:

cross-sectional, online survey across four countries

Lorimer, Flowers, Davis & Frankis

BMJ Sex Transm Infect

Image by christian buehner

Regular STI Testing

4 March 2016

Regular STI testing amongst men who have sex with men and use social media is suboptimal – a cross-sectional study

Frankis, Goodall, Clutterbuck, Abubakari & Flowers


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